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B72 馬來西亞Joey Yap's-QiMen Academy™ 基礎+進階共22集上課視頻+講義pdf,純英文教學的陰盤奇門課程,還不錯的老師


B72 馬來西亞Joey Yap's-QiMen Academy™ 基礎+進階共22集上課視頻+講義pdf

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Module 0 - Getting Started.zip
Module 1 - The Awakening
Module 1 - The Awakening.zip
Module 2 - Guardian Of Destiny.zip
Module 3 - Becoming Unstoppable.zip
Module 4 - The 3 Victories.zip
Module 5 - The Power of Being Able to See.zip
Module 6 - The Power to Forecast Wealth and Career Decisions.zip
Module 7 - When A Problem Becomes a Crisis.zip
Module 8 - Navigating Problems.zip
Module 9 - Internal Invisible Forces.zip
Module 10 - Change Your Environment, Change Your Life.zip
Module 11 - QiMen Art of Winning.zip
Module 12 - The QiMen Pathfinder.zip
Module X - Resolution.zip
專業班部分Section 2 - QMA Advanced 2018

Module 14 - The Art of Selecting Useful God.pdf
Advanced QiMen SuperForecasting Methods - Part 1.pdf
Module 13 - QiMen Intuition & Attunement of The Sage Mind.zip
Module 13.1 - QiMen Intuition & Attunement of The Sage Mind.pdf
Module 14 - The Art of Selecting Your Useful Gods.zip
Module 15 - Wealth & Money Matters.zip
Module 16 - Work, Achievements & Success
Module 16 - Work, Achievements & Success - Notes.pdf
Module 16 - Work, Achievements & Success.zip
Module 17 - Health, Karma & Marriage.zip
Module 18 - The QiMen Modifier & Game Changers (Multipliers).zip
Module 19 - The QiMen Modifier & Game Changers (Subtractors).zip
Module 20 - The QiMen Modifier & Game Changers (Nullifiers) (1).zip
Module 21 - Anomalies When Host Becomes Guests, The Subtle Art of The Comeback.zip
Module 22 - Extremity QiMen Deployment in Emergencies
Module 22 - Extremity QiMen Deployment in Emergencies.zip
QiMen Day Chart (Jan 2019-Jan 2020).pdf
QMA Cheat Sheet.pdf

Section 4 - Joey Yap's QiMen Academy™ 2018 (GROUP REVISION CLASSES)


QiMen Academy™ has been designed by Joey Yap and The Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics to be easy and application focused. We will take you step-by-step into the World of Qi Men Dun Jia and expand your knowledge and skill beyond the BASIC as you move along this syllabus.

The program consists of ADVANCED MODULES that were carefully designed after obtaining the feedback of the previous students on how they apply QiMen regularly in their real-life situations. The QiMen Academy Advanced Tier will go through the process of unifying the entire system of Qi Men Dun Jia to put it in the correct perspective of how you can actually apply this in an effective way to TRANSFORM YOUR LIVE, and more importantly, as an advanced practitioner, how to TRANSFORM OTHER PEOPLE’S LIFE.

The QiMen Unifying Model consists of the peak, the core, the pillars, and the base. The peak is the Sage Mind. In the previous batch of students, there were some who were unable to create results fast enough due to either their mindset or that their energy was not attuned properly. Thus, the Sage Mind would guide you to obtain the correct mindset and attunement to the Divine Energy.

The core in the QiMen Undying Model explains the SuperForecasting Methods which are deep-dive sessions into forecasting. The topics in this section explains how to use SuperForecasting to evaluate ‘Wealth & Money Matters’, ‘Work, Achievement & Success’ and ‘Health, Karma & Marriage’.

The pillars in the QiMen Unifying Model are about the QiMen Modifiers & Game Changers. It consists of 4 different topics: The Multipliers, the Subtractors, the Nullifiers & the Anomalies, which are the special formations in QiMen. Finally, the base of the QiMen Unifying Model is the Emergency Measures, which explains how to initiate emergency deployments of QiMen.


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B72 馬來西亞Joey Yap's-QiMen Academy™ 基礎+進階共22集上課視頻+講義pdf 馬來西亞可線上付款後雲端下載。。。具體詢問客服或者加微信 diojiunang2009